Managed Services

Cloud IT 360

ESW is your trusted IT support company, offering expert IT solutions for businesses. Elevate our IT capabilities with our expert guidance and support.


Expert IT Support For Modern Businesses

Achieve your business objectives with the support of our cloud solutions.

Secure and Flexible

Our cloud solutions offer a safe and secure environment for accessing your data and connecting with your workforce and customers from anywhere, from any device, no matter the time of day (or night).

Make better business decisions

Easy access to your business data drives better business decisions.

The cloud puts all your data in one spot, organized and secure. We can build you a custom dashboard and data visualization tools, making it easier for you to pull and analyze.

Lower costs

Only pay for what you use, on-demand, as needed. This agile approach maximizes your technology investment, you no longer need to put money into hardware, software, installation, and maintenance costs.

Discover our solutions.


Scale when you’re ready

Moving to the cloud means that when you are ready to grow, means no longer investing time and money in upgrading and “new” hardware and software. It’s all there for you on the cloud. You can immediately start using new apps with minimal configuration and set-up time.

Your people-first IT company

Your business and the people who make it run come first. You can have the most cutting-edge IT system available, and it will be a waste if it doesn’t work with your business processes and your people can’t use it to its potential.

We make sure your IT works for your business, people, workflows, and processes.

Your business is keeping with the times. Is your IT?

Your technology journey is unique. As your trusted partner, we provide insights, advice, and guidance to help you make the right choices at the best time. Today’s business climate requires two main things from your IT: flexibility and security, and we’re the IT company that provides both.

Your people need the flexibility to easily access your system and connect with each other, your customers, vendors, and partners at any time of the day from anywhere in the world. With cloud computing, your business is no longer chained to your offices.

Every day brings new cyber threats. Your IT needs robust security so your data is safe. We are committed to protecting your technology and your business. Not only do we work to eliminate cyber threats, but we also regularly backup your data, educate your employees, identify and strengthen weak spots in your IT, ensure your IT is compliant with current industry and insurance guidelines, and help you build and implement stronger IT policies and procedures to tackle future risks.

Explore your options.



More than cloud migration

Yes, we will fully and seamlessly manage your move to the cloud with minimal disruption to your business, but our IT support goes even deeper.

  • Cloud strategy

We will not only move you to the cloud but also work with you to determine the best way to do it, develop your cloud strategy and roadmap, and decide on the best cloud partners.

We don’t disappear once you have moved to the cloud. We scale your cloud platform into a secure, reliable, and flexible platform to optimize and maximize your benefits.

  • App modernization

Extend the life of your business applications while getting the benefits of new technology and security functions for continuous improvement of your IT and cloud systems.

  • Data and analytics

Easily pull information and analyze reports with data located on the cloud and using your custom dashboard

This easy access to data gives you a big-picture view of your company and lets you configure data you way your business needs it. Drill down to more detailed data, enabling you to make timely and informed business decisions.Team reviews IT strategy

  • Custom applications

Can’t find the solution you need? We can build it for you. We design, iterate, and support custom large-scale technology solutions across industries.

Get exactly what you need for your business.

Start your journey to the cloud.