IT Security Assessment


Delivering top-tier information security standards, our team boasts certified CISSP professionals, ensuring robust protection for you and your business.

Know exactly how secure your organization is.


Highest standards of information security

We are committed to providing our clients with an excellent information security standard. One way we ensure this is by having certified information systems security professionals (CISSP) on our teamIT technician troubleshooting a server

CISSP certification is among the world’s top information security and cybersecurity certifications. It is globally recognized and offered by the International System Security Certification Consortium (ISC).

All CISSP professionals must pass a rigorous exam to earn their designation. To keep it, they are required to maintain a high level of professionalism and expertise in their field as well as earn continuing education credits each year.

ESWIT’s strength builds upon the expertise of our CISSP-certified professionals, ensuring a more secure environment for us and our clients. This not only boosts client trust but also enhances our ability to manage security risks, a critical aspect in today’s digital age.

Ready to Secure and Transform your IT?


Security audits and assessments

Conducting security audits and assessments to evaluate your cybersecurity readiness is essential. Our Security Consultants have the experience and expertise to examine and assess your security system, processes, procedures, and protocols. We then determine where improvements are needed.

Improved security posture

By proactively conducting IT security assessments by professionals, your business can maintain a robust posture and continuously enhance its security measures. Safeguarding your organization with proven protection is what ESWIT does best.

Once we have conducted your assessment, we help you implement the best security measures to better protect your assets and sensitive data, improving the strength of your cybersecurity program (security posture).


Continuous improvement

Continuous improvement is an essential part of our business model, and we approach it in two ways.

Continuous improvement is not just a part of our business model. It’s our commitment to you. Every team member participates in professional continuous improvement, ensuring we stay ahead of the latest security trends, technologies, and best practices. We are here to protect your business today and tomorrow.

Second, every security plan we develop for our clients includes continual evaluation and improvement, with built-in checkpoints, reassessments, and milestones. With the pace at which cyber threats evolve, you must stay ahead of the curve regarding new developments to keep your business safe.

We’re here to support you!


Continuity and disaster recovery planning

You want your business up and running as quickly as possible after a cyber-attack or natural disaster. For this to happen, you need to have a recovery plan in place. To have a good plan, you need to know where you currently stand.

We can help you develop and test your business continuity and disaster recovery plans. We will identify any gaps in your plans and help you fix them. This ensures your critical operations can be maintained despite unexpected disruptions, benefiting you and your clients.


Worried about your IT Security? Do you need to speak with an expert?