Cloud Security Solutions

Leverage our cloud security solutions for advanced protection and management of your cloud-based IT assets.


                         Cloud IT Security

                                                                                                      We’ll support you with your cloud security so you can                                                                                                                                   concentrate on your business.

Productive and secure

Our cloud security services strike the right balance between a productive and a secure IT system. We strive to provide security services that are manageable and practical for your business.

Backed up and secure data

Our cloud backup is a centralized backup management platform that monitors and manages your backup needs. Our Canadian and US data centres are SSAE 16 Type II compliant with redundant storage and biometric security.

If the service is required, and hopefully it never is, we can recover and restore your data quickly, lessening the impact on your business continuity and reducing down time.


Cloud security with layers of protection

  • Strong cloud security management combines people, processes, and technology.
  • Your data is your most important asset, we help you organize and secure your data and applications.
  • Your first layer of defence is your people. We provide training so they understand the importance of cyber security and can recognize threats.
  • Another layer is ensuring you have solid security policies, processes and procedures in place.
  • The final layer of security is the technical controls and protection.

Secure your devices, endpoints, and systems

Never get caught out-of-date again. Our cloud IT security provides streamlined, continuous monitoring and protection of your devices, endpoints, systems, cloud data, and applications.

Do you have any questions about your IT security? 


Automated alerts

We have visibility on all the different components of your cloud environment. We set up our protocols to automatically alert our security operations centre when a breach or critical risk occurs.

Our automated alerts allow us to respond immediately to the threat, saving your organization time, money and headaches.

Industry-compliant cloud security management

We work with you to identify the governance, compliance, regulations, standards, and requirements your IT security must meet. This includes requirements set by the government, your industry, and your insurance provider and outlined in contracts with your partners.

Once we identify your needs, we develop a roadmap to bring your security up to the level you need.

Cloud security services for your needs

We don’t blindly follow a prescribed security framework template, hand it to you, and leave.

Every client gets a plan based on their needs and priorities based on their current security posture and areas to mitigate risk. We then help you implement the needed security measures. We build continual evaluation and improvement into each plan because security protocols, features, and threats constantly evolve, and we want you to be prepared for today’s and tomorrow’s threats.

Let’s find the perfect Cloud Security solution for you!